Sunday, April 25

A Dying Art

Chivalry.  What does it mean to you?
When I hear the word chivalry today, I don't envision knights in shinning armour or a kind gentleman who gives his seat to a lady in a crowded room.  Instead, I think of the ways that our society treats each other.  I'm not just talking about how men treat women, but also how men treat other men and how women treat other women.

Is it really worth it to walk through life alone?  That's how we're all going to end up if we can't take two seconds to say hi to someone or offer to help a stranger who's struggling to carry something.  Just smiling at someone walking down the street can brighten a person's day.  A kind word is all it takes.  You never know, you might just find a new best friend. :)

Two of my three BFFs have boyfriends, and their boyfriends are two of the nicest men I have ever met.  I am continually shocked by the things that they do for my girls.  They treat them like princesses.  Not in a spoiled brat kind of way, but in an old school, gentleman-like kind of way if that makes sense.  I don't even think I can explain the kinds of things these guys do, but it melts my heart every time I see it.  I am so glad that they are being taken care of exactly how they deserve.

My next question is why doesn't everyone treat each other with the same respect and care?  If we truly cared about people, I think a lot of the problems in our society would just disappear.  Isn't the Golden Rule "treat others how you want to be treated"?  I have received two acts of unnatural kindness in the last two weeks.  And they were simple things, that 40 years ago any guy would have done.  It made me really stop and think about how sad of an excuse we are some days.

I don't want to go through the rest of my life alone, and I think that there's probably a reason we are capable of talking and smiling, and can write sweet notes.  I heard a song on the radio today, and one of the lines was "There can never be a more beautiful you."  Take it to heart, and then share the joy of knowing that with others.  I hope everyone had a good weekend, and pray that this week you are blessed by those around you.  Jesus loves you and so do I! :)


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