Wednesday, May 19

Grace is Enough

Wow, life has been moving at a fast clip the over the past week and a half.  I feel like this is the first time I've sat down just to sit down in a very long time.  My time away has been time well spent though ( I think) and time to continue to grow closer to God (I know). 

I'll start with my weekend at Shasta, which was last weekend the 6th - 9th.  One word couldn't summarize.  This whole blog probably couldn't even summarize it, but I'll try my best. :)

We were blessed so much by God-gifted speakers, cabin time, and of course playing in the sun.  God spoke to my heart, and blessed me beyond what I thought He would.  One thing that really sticks out in my mind was the true meaning of grace.  I've always knows what grace was... but I guess I never made it personal, I never claimed it as my own.  The moment that it all fell into place for me (concerning grace at least) was beautiful.  It wasn't fire works and dancing, but simply two cogs in the assembly line of my life falling into place.  I'm really not sure how else to describe it. 

God has really been showing me His grace since I got back from Shasta.  I've been released from my past, and I KNOW that Jesus loves me.  He chooses to love me, just as I am.  He sees me as innocent, because I am covered by His blood.  He died for me. 

Today is a new day.  No matter what happens, my Father will still love me.  I will try and honor Him and bring glory to Him in all I do.  Life is difficult.  Really difficult right now.  But, I know that God is good, and His grace is enough for me.  I hope you know that too.  Until you claim His grace, I think you'll always be searching, and always wanting to live up to a standard that we can't reach.  Grace provides the ladder.  Forgiveness opens the door.  We can't live mildly, we have to live on fire for God or not at all.  Why was I chosen to such a calling?  I know that I am uncapable of succeeding.  Thankfully, there's someone who's already paid the price for my lack of ability.  He has already taken the weight off of my shoulders concerning everything.  Sometimes I want to keep holding onto it because I think I can do things on my own.  Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."  The antithesis of the verse would then be, "I can do nothing without Christ who strengthens me." 

I can't do school without Christ.  I can't be patient while waiting for my future husband without Christ.  I can't drive to the grocery store without Christ.  I can't pray without Christ.  I can do nothing without Christ.  He is my foundation.  If I take my foundation away, then what am I?  I'm a sad story to behold, that's what. 

I just really feel the need to reiterate again that God's grace covers all.  He loves us.  It makes me want to cry to think about how he chooses to love me.  He didn't have to, but He does anyway.  That's just really blowing my mind right now, I'm not gonna lie. 

Right now, I'm drawing near to God.  He promises to near to me, when I draw near to Him, and that's something that I need today. 
Jesus loves you. (Seriously) And so do I.

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