Sunday, May 1

The Important Things in Life

Some of you know about my departure from Facebook.  Today marks the 5 month anniversary of my facebook-free life!  Do you want to know the truth?  I haven't missed it at all.  In fact I think on the first of June I'm going to delete it. 

At this stage in my life I'm really trying to filter through everything I choose to put my time and energy into.  Facebook was the first to be cut, and it won't be the last.  Not only am I moving into the process of filtering the activities I participate in, but also the things that fill up my space (aka bedroom/domain/theplacewhereeverythingmagicallygetslostinablackhole)  Do I really need 25 t-shirts? (Okay, that's a rough guess.... but it's somewhere around there)  Do I really have a need for 30 pens/pencils, books, notecards, movies, everything.

Where do you draw the line?  Or more importantly, where has God already drawn the line?  What are the things that I have to choose to give up so that I can be in the place God wants me?
How are the things that I choose to put into my life affecting how I react to life?  When something happens, how do I react?  How do the things I surround myself effect how I react?   I think that these are relevant questions,  hard questions, and they're worth digging into.

I heard the song What Do I Know of Holy on the radio this morning on my way to school.  It really made me stop and think.  What do I know of Holy?  All I know is that I'm a small town girl who is still figuring out how to live by faith every. single. day

Thank about it:  What in your life needs to be thrown out, sold, handed-down, or simply sorted through?  Is it your closet, your diet, habits, or just your relationship with Jesus that needs to be re-evaluated?  Take some time this week to really sit down and think it through, then act.  Do something about it. 

I went through my closet this week.  I donated 10 shirts, a pair of pants, and a pair of shorts that I don't wear very often.  Simple, yet it makes such an impact. 

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