I have been job hunting since August. I've sent resume after resume to no apparent avail. And then a little over a month ago God used my aunt to put me in contact with a potential employer. At the time she didn't have any open positions. Meanwhile, I knew that when God wanted me to have a job, I would have a job. I haven't been too terribly worried about it.
And then 2 weeks ago my aunt texted me and told me to go get on Craigslist. The employer had called my aunt to tell her that she posted a job there. So I found the job posting and once again sent in my resume. I never heard anything back, and so I trusted God with my future job.
Since then I've applied for another position, but haven't heard back from it either. So I decided earlier this week that I would head home today. That if I hadn't heard anything from anyone, it was God's will and it would be enough. I think I decided on today because my mother called and said I had a dentist appointment at home on Friday. I hate the dentist. Always have, and most likely always will. It takes me about a day to prepare, so today was the day.
Well, today was the day, until I got a phone call.
A voicemail actually saying that yes she would love to bring me on, and could I start Thursday or Friday? I get to greet people... as a job. Hallelujah!!
I called her back, confirmed the phone call, then about burst into tears when I hung up. How great is our God? His timing is absolute. He always makes sure we're provided for.
So praise #1: You are reading the blog of an employed woman! The work is supposed to last until New Years, but that in itself is such a blessing! I cannot glorify the Name of the Lord enough!
Because I now have a job, that means that I'm staying in College town for Christmas. Mar and I have been talking about getting a Christmas tree for a while, but never did because we both weren't going to be here.
After my exciting news last night, we decided that a Christmas tree from the little place down the road would be a great celebration! Well it was a good idea until Mar's boyfriend suggested we wait because he had actually bought tree permits for them to go tree hunting today.... Sneaky, sneaky boy!
And so Mar and I jumped to the obvious conclusion...he was going to propose! So we got super squirly and then went and got large coffees (at 6:00pm...bad idea). Then J came over and the 3 of us hung out and watched 8 Below and when he went home just after midnight, we got all excited again, but realized that just because we thought Mar might be getting engaged today didn't mean she was. The coffee, adrenaline, giggles, and whispering kept us up until 2:00 this morning..
We both calmed down and were pretty normal getting ready. Then they went Christmas tree hunting and I picked up the book I'm reading (Fifth Seal by Bodie and Brock Thoene. I HIGHLY recommend their books!!! SO. MUCH. TRUTH!) right now, and it was a normal afternoon. I was praying for my lunch and the two of them, just putting everything into God's hands, when I got the prompt on my phone at 1:34 that said, one new picture waiting to be downloaded, I about lost it! SSSSOOOO excited for two of my best friends on this planet.
Not only are these two seriously my best friends, they are amazing examples of a relationship centered around the Lord. I am blessed by them so so much! It's so good to see God growing in them individually and in their relationship, and I'm just so excited to see them take this next step in life. We are growing up. It's crazy, and I cannot believe it sometimes, but it's real! I'm so thankful that God put them in my life.
So praise #2: My best friend is engaged.
It's kind of a weird praise I guess, but it just makes sense. God gets all the glory in their relationship, and that folks is what it's all about. Not J's glory, not Mar's glory, but God's glory. His work through them.
What do you have to be thankful for today? Make it made known to God. He's excited to share in your joy!
All the glory to God!
-Kaitlynn Marie
1 comment:
Woot woot!!! LOVE this post and I am praising God with you, girl! I love how He works and how we can rejoice in so much every day.
Congrats on the job, and so excited for another godly couple to make a difference in our world!
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