Tonight was my college group. We don't meet over Christmas Break, and I didn't go very much in November. I didn't realize how much I missed it. I didn't realize how foggy my vision has been lately. I was so heavy burdened and I didn't even realize it.
This morning I woke up and did not want to get out of bed. I was really groggy and grumpy even after a nice hot shower. After eating I couldn't keep my eyes open and was on the verge of tears for most of the morning. I have no idea why. When I left to go to work I was really disheartened. When I got in the car I remembered that my gas gauge was on empty and that my bank account was about the same. Through the haze I knew that my only option was to call upon the Lord.
My roommate Marz has a quote on the whiteboard on her board right now.
So good!"God's abundance is a perfect match to our emptiness."
And SO true.
The thing is though, this morning I had to absolutely trust that God would get me to work in the next town over. There was no room for thoughts of what I would do if I ran out of gas or if I was late. God is bigger than the size of our gas tank or the dollar amount in our bank account. But how often do I really rely on Him? How often do I really look to see the amazing work He's done?
This morning my vision was clouded. Not physically, but spiritually and mentally. I couldn't see past the heaviness and burden that I had put on myself. I couldn't see past needing to get good grades this term and being on time for work. I couldn't see past having wasted so much time recently watching TV shows on Netflix and generally doing nothing with my life.
But now I see that what I thought were treacherous mountains are really just little mole hills in a very vast, beautiful meadow. Everything is about perspective.
I'll be working on keeping my perspective Heaven minded and eternity bound this week. What about you?
Much love and until next time,
Kaitlynn Marie
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