Thursday, September 20

The Rift

Hello all,
It's been almost 6 months since I've posted here.  Almost 6 months since I've entered this community of believers to find encouragement and strength.  I can't believe it's been that long.  I've drifted away from the Lord these past 6 months, and one of the only things that I've found encouragement in every day is the KLove Encouraging Word.  Every time I hear the "tweet" on my phone and look to see what it is, there's been a sense of dread and guilt, but also one of longing.  Every day the Lord has tried to reach me, and every day I've turned away.  This summer has been a drifting one.  One of traveling and almost non-stop working.  Literally.  My heart and my soul can't take this rift I've somehow created.  Today, I'm reposting my last post.  Because honestly, I don't remember writing it... and beyond that, it was written for me.  So here is Faith, and praying that my journey will continue one step at a time. 

Life... Lately
Faith [in God] must be whole hearted, unwavering, and stronger than death.  You must have no reservations, and there's no turning back.  Faith is how you honor the Lord every day.  It's easy to trust the Lord in the good times, when everything is great and life seems easy.  But where will you run, to whose arms will you go when the going gets tough?

I hope the answer is straight to the arms of the Loving Father.  None of us are perfect.  We all stumble and fall.  We must get back up again.  We must continue to fight for the Lord.  I just finished the book The Warrior by Francine Rivers.  The book is about Caleb.  I don't think that I really understood his story before now.  But then again, I don't think I was supposed to.  God's timing is perfect in everything.  In everything there is a purpose.  For those of us who need a refresher, here's the rundown on Caleb.

Caleb was a distant relative of the tribe of Judah.  He traveled from Egypt into the wilderness with the children of Israel when Moses led them out of captivity.  When they finally reached the Promised Land, Caleb was chosen from the tribe of Judah to enter the land and scout it out.  He and Joshua were the only two who came back and gave truthful reports of their 40 day journey.  Because they were 2 out of 12 who spoke the truth, the Lord judged Israel and led them to wander in the desert for 40 years.  Joshua and Caleb were the only two men from their generation to enter the Promised Land.  It was because of their faith in the Lord to give to them what was already theirs.

There it is: faith.  Caleb had to believe with every fiber of his being that the Lord was going to provide for them and hold true to His word and promises.  He faced giants and perversion and nearly 1 million of his brothers and sisters who didn't believe.  Yet, his faith was strongly secured in the Lord.

Life is so much harder than people make it out to be.  Our youth have no idea what is waiting for them when they leave the halls of their high schools.  Why?  Is it because we don't want to burden them with the weight of the world when they are young?  It is only a burden the Lord was supposed to carry.  We've all heard the saying that ignorance is bliss.  Yes, the not knowing is generally preferred.  To the point that our society looks away from the abuse and mistreatment that so many peoples of our world face.  They turn away from the fact that these people need Jesus just as much as you and me.

Looking at the big picture can be overwhelming.  What are your gifts?  Are you passionate about music?  Then share Jesus and the joy of music with those around you!  Are you an advocate for education of all peoples?  Then share it.  Find an avenue to help educate people.  Homeside or abroad!  Maybe you're interested in agriculture.  There are so many people who just need us to come alongside them and assure them that, yes they can do it.  The hardest step is the one that takes you out your front door.  It's the step that leads you to friends and family to share with them that you are going to do something.  It's the one that scares me too.  But faith is what we're called to, and faith is what the Lord will give us when He calls.

Life, as always, has ups and downs.  I'm just trying to find the Lord in everything.  It's hard.  Really hard.  But then again, we were never promised an easy life.  Being Kingdom minded really puts a spin on things.  It makes some things that didn't seem so important before shine, and the things that used to shine dull to a dark gray.  I find that I don't get so overwhelmed when I live one moment at a time.  What helps you keep your eyes on the Father?

Until next time,


Doanz said...

Amen! Love your heart, Katie. Don't sweat the how or the why regarding the "rift" you feel, sweet thing. Just jump back on the horse. ;) I've found He's always waiting- with open arms. <3

Kaitlynn Marie said...

Thank you, Renee!