Friday, May 13

continued...Important Things

1. My relationship with Jesus
     1a.  Updating my prayer notecard every week
     1b.  Savoring my quiet time every morning.
     1c.  Giving thanks
     1d.  Spend more time in meaningful worship.
2. Sleep
     2a.  Get 8 or more hours of sleep a night
3. School
     3a.  Use my planner
     3b.  Catch up on reading (...I have a lot)
     3c.  Start studying for finals/midterms...NOW!!
     3d.  Study for map quizzes/current events before Wednesday night.
     3e.  Catch up on math homework. 
4. Eating Healthy
     4a.  Plan meals!
     4b.  Incorporate more fruits and veggies!!
     4c.  Drink more water!
5. Relationships with roommates/siblings/family/friends
     5a.  Spend quality time with the people I love, and work on nurturing precious relationships.  

Right now, these are the important things... here are some extras though

1.  Simplifying the stuff in my life...(In fact, this weekend my bedroom is getting a in everything not necessary or deemed unnecessary is either going in the trash or to Goodwill. I am blessed to have the best roommate in the world who has told me in no uncertain terms that she's helping me this weekend.  I've been out of control lately....and it shows in the most interesting places)
2.  Thinking before I react and before I open my mouth.

This weekend my goal is to catch up on mostly everything on my list.  I've been traveling or had company for the last month, so it will be nice to have a weekend with no agenda!!!

Have a blessed Friday!

Kaitlynn Marie :)


Heather said...

Hi Katie!

I haven't been on here in a while and I just caught up on all of your posts. I just wanted to say that it is such a blessing and encouragement to read about your walk with God because I am struggling with the same things. It's always good to be reminded that we are all on this path and it's ok that we are still learning and growing. :)

Hope your last couple weeks of school go well!

I hope we can hang out this summer, we haven't seen each other in forever!

Kaitlynn Marie said...

I read your blog post about two hours ago, and was in the search to find your email address b/c blogger wouldn't let me post a comment!

I am SO glad that God has kept us connected, and that we can lift each other up!

We really do need to hang out this summer and catch up and share our journeys!!!

Good luck on finals. :)

Heather said...

lol that's weird that it wouldn't allow it. I'll have to check my settings.

Me too! =)

It might be easier this summer! I won't be nocturnal anymore. It is sad, but my schedule will be normal which will be nice.

Good luck on finals to you too! =)