Thursday, February 18

Happenings as of Late

I'm sorry it's been so long!  I come here and think about everything I could be sharing, but then I usually get scared and don't end up writing anything.  I've come to realize though, that it's selfish of me to not post something God has been putting on my heart when there is someone else out there who may need to hear the same thing.  Please bear with me for the next couple of months, as I get used to this.

Sometimes, I doubt myself as a writer.  I know God will uphold me though, and get the message across in the right way.  Smile.

I'll start with the most exciting things first.

Just to protect myself and anonymity, I'm not going to use places or names.  I'll just use the Pacific Northwest for describing what God has been doing in my life.  As I may have already mentioned, I am a freshman at a University in the Pacific Northwest. Grin.  My time here has been amazing, and God has blessed me beyond imagination.  I have a great church that I attend, an amazing support system (both family and friends), and I love being able to be apart of the music here.  I'm involved in many bands and choirs here, and it has been a great learning experience.

Recently, God has been calling me to something more.  At first I couldn't really discern what it was God was trying to tell me.  It was just like someone was poking me... and poking me... and poking me.. but I didn't know why.  For as amazing as all that I have is, I know that I am not living my life to the fullest.  This University cannot give me the Biblical foundation and Spiritual nurturing that I believe God wants me to be apart of.  My best friend (S is what we'll call her) recently called me and was telling me about a school she was finishing an application for.  This school we both visited last year.  At the time of our visit though, I had already committed to attending University, and so just shrugged off my feelings of joy that the small campus brought to me.  Don't get me wrong here though.  I know that God has me at University right now for a reason.  I have grown and matured so much in my faith in the last 17 weeks of school, and I know without a doubt that being here was something I had to do to experience this.
Back to the story. Chuckle. It is a small, private, Christian college, that S was talking about, and I decided to just look at the web page.  I browsed to their website and found that they were having a prospective student visit.

This was the first step that God really showed me in this process.  I looked at my calendar, and found that in my busy, hectic schedule (I know, it's something I'm working on), I had nothing, I repeat NOTHING going on that weekend (a Friday and Saturday).  I immediately picked up the phone to call S, but it was the middle of the afternoon, and her mother answered the phone.  I asked her to look at the calender, and it was decided that they could make the 7 1/2 hour trip to visit.  S, who is also busy with Ski season, miraculously had nothing going on that weekend either.  I felt that this was God working in our lives.  I don't believe in coincidences.  I do believe in one Almighty God.

So the weekend came, and we made our way to College for our visit.  I went in with the mindset that I was just there to look, not decide anything.  I was in pleading with God to either shut the door in my face or swing it wide open in the decision of where I should continue my education.  The weekend was exactly what we both needed.  Neither of us were exactly looking for a place to go to school, but just some answers along the journey.  God showed both S and me how easily we could live there, and how College could indeed become our second home.  We even made a list of all the things we liked (We had to have Something to show our parents and prove we didn't just have fun!).

The truth is, that for my own life, I don't, and have never felt, the need to enter the job market and make money.  Some may call it laziness, some may call it absurdness, and some may call it just plum crazy.  But, I know for myself that I do not need to make money to be happy.  This life is so short, and I don't see the point wasting my time with what society thinks.  My treasures will be stored in Heaven, folks.  This ties into this post, because I don't know what to do with my life.  I would be completely happy getting married and being a stay at home mom.  I could also see myself owning a bookstore, so that I can share the love of reading with other people.  I have no idea what to do get a degree in though.  College, I believe can help me.  I would most likely enter into their Religion and Christian Ministries degree.  I would choose RCM because I truly believe that God is calling me to learn more about Him, and His people, and history.  I have always had a passion for reading and history, and I believe that God is asking me to learn more about Him.

I'm sorry this is such a long post.  I'll get better at this, just bear with me, please :)


allison said...

(this is allison by the way :)

so, back in junior high, i made this blog. my friend did, too, and we wrote reeeeally dumb things in them, and looking back it's kind of hilarious. but anyway, the account's still here which is awesome because i can use it to comment on your blog. :)

anyway, while i would love for you to stay here at university, i would be really excited for you if you felt moved to go to school elsewhere, especially if you feel God pulling you somewhere else.

also, i totally get what you mean about choosing a major. sometimes i hear about a class someone is in and i think "wow, that sounds like so much FUN," which is not at all what i think about a lot of my classes. and then i start to wonder, maybe i should pursue something that excites me and whatnot. but i think that engineering has the potential to excite me, the only problem is that right now i have to take all the prerequisites and stuff so they're not really the 'real' engineering courses yet. at least, this is what i hope.

anyway, i thought this was a fantastic post, and no need to apologize about length! :) keep writing!!

Kaitlynn Marie said...

Hey Allison!
Thanks for commenting and following my blog. :) I'm getting over the anxiety issues and wondering what people will say. At this point, it doesn't matter what people say, I think. I just feel God telling me to do it... so I am!
I'm so excited that you declared your major! I pray that God would continue to work in your life and through you in it like I know He is!