Friday, March 19


Hello again! :)
It feels so good to be home!  Seeing old faces and getting back into the swing of things is so much fun.  Being with my family isn't always the easiest thing though.  I love them to death, but when only parts of a family are living their lives for Christ, even everyday life can become strained. 

My goal for this spring break is to continue to live intentionally, and to live in love.  No fighting with my siblings or parents, and no complaining.  It's encouraging to see how much I've grown since Christmas.  My family needs a Savior.  My siblings are running from God to what they think they're looking for, and it breaks my heart.  If you're a praying type of person, and wouldn't mind praying for my family this week, I would really appreciate it. :)  We have a lot to go through, especially the decision about what I'll be doing next year. 

I am reminded that even though this is a break from school, this isn't a break from God.  I'm excited to be digging into the Word this week, and hopefully will be able to share what I'm reading and finding out throughout the week!  Have a blessed spring break, and if there's anything you'd like prayer about, let me know!  Love you all!

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