Wednesday, February 23


This blog has always been about my walk with the Lord, and so here I am pleased to share with you the latest discovery of the path that He wants me to take. 
{He leads me beside the still waters!}

I can't believe that it's already week 8 of winter term here in the pacific northwest.  Time has flown by so fast!  These eight weeks have been good weeks.  Through them I have begun to discover a little more about where my life is headed, and I've been growing closer and closer to God.

About four weeks ago, we participated in a week of prayer and fasting at our church.  Mar and I attend a Calvary Chapel, and the week of prayer and fasting has been going on for a while now.. although I'm not sure exactly how long! Some people haven't ever heard of fasting ( or they don't think it's possible to not eat for 7 days ), some people think it's just weird, and others (most being "Christians") just don't understand.  I don't want to get into all of the reasons and aspects of it, but here is a helpful link if you'd like to pursue learning more about it. 

During the week of fasting, God met me in a very special way.  It continues to amaze me how our Big God who created the universe with a single command chooses to reveal Himself to us in a sweet, small voice.  One of the themes of the week for me was "being broken and poured out".  God really wanted to get across to me how it displeases Him that I rely on myself for a lot of things.  He showed me how He wanted to be the One filling me up and overflowing me.  I've struggled in the past with not feeling like I'm "good enough", but once again the Lord has provided.  During one day, in the midst of my quiet time, the Lord spoke to me and told me that I am going to be a veterinarian.  W.o.w.  It wasn't an audible voice, it wasn't a text message, it was me seeking His face, and He answering through the communication of hearts.

I prayed for about 3 hours that day (I don't think I had class....) and asked God to show me what that was going to look like.  I asked Him for open doors, and for people to be raised up around me in support!  I cannot count the times since then that the Lord has reestablished a deep knowing in me that this is what He wants me to do!  Through speakers at my college group, worship sessions, church, house church, my parents, Mar, advisers... it goes on and on.

For those of you who don't know me very well, I'll lay it down straight for ya.  My goal since I knew I was coming to college was to come, get a degree as fast as possible, meet my husband, and then go on my merry way.  That was my goal still until 4 weeks ago.  The Lord has chosen to make my life about veterinary science...for those of you who don't know.. you have to have a bachelors to get into vet school (4ish years)..and vet school is either a 3 or 4 year program, depending on the school...  This is just another point where I am absolutely confident that the this is what the Lord wants me to do.  I have never wanted to go into medicine (although I've always loved animals, and being a vet was a dream of mine as a little girl.  unfortunately, my sister also wanted to be a I said I wanted to be a teacher.. haha). 

Vet school requires a high GPA, which is something that at the moment, I don't have.  I had a term last spring that, well..I'll just say it won't happen again.  It won't happen again because now I have a goal, and I have the assurance of a God who will not leave me throughout this process.  I know that He who planted the seed will come back to reap it!  The next 6 or 7 years of my life are going to be entirely devoted to God and Veterinary work.  Every single day for me will be a day of coming to the Lord and asking to be filled up.  I know that I cannot do this myself.  Just looking at all the classes I have to take, I know that they'll be a struggle.  But I know that this whole journey will be accomplished through the work of the Most High God. 

For that I am deeply thankful, and eternally humble.  He chose me! :)  Not qualified, not a 'farm girl' but at heart.  Rejoice for the Lord is good.  His love endures forever! 

Walking out in faith, taking that first step, is always the hardest.  But if it's God's will, it will ultimately be the most rewarding!  What is God trying to show you or tell you today that you haven't been willing to hear in the past? 

Mathew 7:7-
"Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you."

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