Thursday, December 2

Slowing Down Life

I have a confession to make.  I'm addicted to facebook.  There, now I've said it, and now I can move on from it.  Last night I had my roommate change my facebook password.  (This is how serious I am)  I want to slow down the pace of my life.  We're all about time efficiency and getting the largest possible output out for the smallest input.  My question is, "Why?"  There isn't a boogie-man chasing us everywhere we go, and there isn't such thing as the efficiency police leaning over our shoulders watching everything we do.  Slowing down seems silly, but in the end, I think it's absolutely necessary.
It's been less than 24 hours since I've taken my leave from facebook, and already I feel like I've accomplished SO MUCH!  I feel unconnected, and that ladies and gentleman is wondrous!  Just sitting and listening is worth the initial pain.

A few weeks ago, my college pastor said something that really caught my attention.
"Don't ever step outside that climate of being desperate for God."

W.O.W.  How I've totally messed up just that.  How many days have I gone through with 'just the motions'?  Seeking God seems tame compared to being desperate for God.  I want to be desperate for God, and I want to be in that place where I know true humility. Every day I want to start on my knees knowing that I can't make it through the day on my own, and I want to end every day desperately thanking God for His grace and another day to live. 

Speaking of thanks, here's day 2 of my challenge:

I am thankful for a real home to live in (not a college dorm!).  I'm thankful for the peace and quiet that living in a house allows, and also the girls who live here with me!  Sharing a bathroom with one of your best friends is much easier than sharing with 20 other girls. :)  I think I take for granted things like endless hot water, a washer and dryer, and windows!  For these things I am thankful!  How about you?

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